Courtyard Makeover
We have been dreaming of tearing up the asphalt, creating tricycle paths paired with some greenery, having an outdoor educational area, a soccer field, relocating the beloved four square, creating much needed shade and more!
It’s time to make the dream happen!
Thanks to a member of our community, we recently learned, he could help create this beautiful new space for our current students and many more generations to come.
The best time for such a large scale project is summer, while the school is dormant!
With that being said, we quickly need to jump to action.
We need to raise $21,000
While the actual design is in the works, we wanted to provide a visual for some of the ideas we are working towards, so please see it below.
Donate big or small, donate what you can !
Any and all donation amounts are appreciated!
If you wish to make a donation anonymously, please let Nicole know.
You can donate via our website or by sending a check to PO Box 530656, St Petersburg, FL, 33747
Your donation is crucial to keeping this small, special school going and helping it thrive.
Thank you for your continued support!
Help us Reach the Whole SunFlower Community
There are SunFlower graduates and their families out there who we don’t know how to reach! If you have old friends from SunFlower, let us know. You can reach out to them yourself or share their information with the campaign committee. You can make a donation above and checks can be made out “SunFlower School, Inc.” and mailed P.O. Box 530656 St. Petersburg FL 33747.